Tuesday, March 24, 2009

How I long to be free
from the wickedness of humanity
like a camel in the desert
like a cat in his jungle
a bird upon the air.
Their troubles sure are there
How to get food, how to get water?
How to not become the prey?

The human claims he is a civil breed
separated by beast with a wit, intelligence and art.
But I don't think a fox can make another feel more alone than any other fox.
And I've never seen an animal purposefully take it's own life.
And man can kill another's soul with his biting sword of a tongue...

* * *

So what is this jungle we've created?
We've come out of the desert too fast
moving ever further forward past the thought of the children suffering the consequences of father's and grandfather's sins

We live in a machine of a city, don't we?
it moves unceasingly
it sways, somehow palpably
though it's walls and walkways are all concrete.
Concrete we've shaped into the most orderly of dens
the most orderly of food stores
Silo's, and silo's full
consuming and exploiting mostly ourselves above all

Are we not slaves to it, this city?
Slaves to it's sex
Slaves to it's drink
Slaves to it's drugs

How can there be a God?!
When I'm so fucked up on coke I can't see past two inches in front of my face?
When I'm so drunk I blackout and wake up in an inch of my own vomit?
When I wake up with a stranger in my bed?
And I'm slave to the money that pays for this and no matter how long the full relapse of this lifestyle takes, it's circular for sure.

Come out of it friends!
Come out of Babylon!
She will surely kill you
She will turn you on yourself
You will sacrifice yourself to her
and She will slit your throat

Come out of her all who are weary!
Leave her in the dust!
For there is no peace for the wicked;
your eyes shift ever back and forth
while you commit your evils.
Do you not know the Lord sees you plain in his sight?!

Repent, repent O' Babylon and I say to you surely,
the God Almighty will show you mercy in great abundance!
How can you despise His love?
How can you despise his mercy?

Come out of Babylon and be free!

* * *

Isaiah 48:20-22

"Leave Babylon,
Flee from the Babylonians!
Announce this with shouts of joy
and proclaim it.
Send it out to the ends of the earth;
say, "The Lord has redeemed his servant
They did not thirst when he led them
through the deserts;
he made water flow for them from the rock;
he split the rock:
and water gushed out.
Curious, timid, skiddish bird of a woman
pigeon roosting 'round the city in what safe places may be found
the short solace of an inhaled burst
of roasted white powder
and the madness induced
no man to defend her
no man to defend her
small white rocks are her shield from
the pain of life
it numbs her from the men in the night
whose malicious lust robbed her heart long ago
so she'll scurry around
'til she's found or she's not
praying to find a corner to hide in
to polish off the bottle
and fall into the sorriest excuse for sleep
waking up to the early AM hosing down of the sidewalk
or maybe being too drunk, will simply wake up wet
and the next day will be the same
and the next day will be the same

Sister take heart, rise up!
for thus says the Lord:
"Not a sparrow will fall to the ground outside the will of the Father. So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows."