Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Curious, timid, skiddish bird of a woman
pigeon roosting 'round the city in what safe places may be found
the short solace of an inhaled burst
of roasted white powder
and the madness induced
no man to defend her
no man to defend her
small white rocks are her shield from
the pain of life
it numbs her from the men in the night
whose malicious lust robbed her heart long ago
so she'll scurry around
'til she's found or she's not
praying to find a corner to hide in
to polish off the bottle
and fall into the sorriest excuse for sleep
waking up to the early AM hosing down of the sidewalk
or maybe being too drunk, will simply wake up wet
and the next day will be the same
and the next day will be the same

Sister take heart, rise up!
for thus says the Lord:
"Not a sparrow will fall to the ground outside the will of the Father. So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows."

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