Thursday, October 4, 2007

what's been on my mind of late...

There is an urgency placed in my heart towards the people of this day an age, and it's understanding (and lack thereof) of Christianity. Of who Jesus is and what His followers should look like. There are so many misconceptions, misunderstandings so many who have been hurt by the church. He is coming soon, and this age is so decieved by satan. I can't put to rest this stirring in my heart, and though I doubt from time to time, though I'm a sinner, still He will have me. I cannot begin to fathom His power and His majesty. I read Revelation last night in one sitting and was given the slightest glimpse. It's hard to put His majesty into writing I think, but the mystery and otherworldliness conveyed through the book of Revelation also hints to His majesty and how different and holy a place heaven really is. His coming is near. We are given the opportunity to fully give ourselves to Him and serve Him until the day we join Him in heaven.

So right now I'm not sure where I'm at. I think I might be being called to missions now. But I think I also might be discontent and therefore want to just go. I got this antsy feeling yesterday like there's something more for me than Yakima, and I don't know if it was just me being me or maybe a nudge from God. I've done two weeks of school and it's as dull as high school ever was. Considering how temporary my time on earth is in the big picture, it's just not making sense for me to be going to college at the moment. I feel like God can use me right now somewhere else, and it feels like the two years I planned going to school would only be putting that off. And I'm not sure I'm ok with society's view of me having to have a college education to be successful. (What is success?) I think what is starting to confirm my suspicion that missions is where I'm to be headed is that it makes the least sense right now...if that makes sense.

that's all i have for now.

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